Saturday 27 February 2016

Final Piece (Process)

When I started, I used a cool colour scheme when colouring the woman in the middle. This fit the blue galaxy photograph that I used as the background. However, when I added the bright colours around the woman, I felt that it did not merge well with the subtle and dark background. I decided to make my own background that was bolder and brighter and fit with my theme more.

This is the type that I used for the main title. It is eye-catching, bold and fits around the image well. I first drew out the text to ensure that it fitted well around the diamond. I then scanned it it and coloured it in in Adobe Photoshop.

This is the text that I used for the details. It is smaller than the main title, but still fits around the image, which is the main element. I was originally going to include the name of the headliners, however I decided not to do this in the end as I did not want the layout to look too clustered. I, again, drew this out on paper first before scanning it in and adding it into my poster at the end.

After changing the background, I completely changed the colour scheme of the woman in the middle. I made it more warm in order to reflect the summer element of the festival. I also added more elements to the face such as a septum piercing and festival face makeup. This adds interest to the illustration and reflects the festival style. I did all the colouring on Adobe Photoshop as it makes the colours look more bold and compelling.

At the bottom of the poster, I added symbols in. This gave it even more of a festival vibe and added interest to the row of squares at the bottom. I drew these out and scanned them in, taking my inspiration from the internet.

To make the background look like a galaxy, I simply used ink on a wet piece of paper. I put the ink on a brush and flicked it on the paper. The flicks of different coloured ink were made to look like the stars. When I scanned the inked piece in photoshop, I inverted the colours to make the background black and the colours stand out more.

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